Three Simple Ways to Earn by Playing Spellfire
When re-mastering Spellfire, we wanted our play-to-earn systems to be as easy to understand as possible.

Regardless of the size of your collection, or skill level, there is always a possibility to earn in Spellfire. Here are three easy ways:
Purchase Original NFT cards
Original NFT cards are numbered and sorted by rarity. Legendary cards are rarest and there will only ever be one copy with one owner. Players who purchase Original NFT cards will receive 90% of the profit from each subsequent sale of their card as a Playing NFT card.
For example, a legendary Original NFT card is issued 1000 copies, which are sold as Playing NFT cards. When someone purchases a copy, the owner of the Original NFT Card will receive 90% of the profit (some fees may apply).
The complete list of Original NFT cards sorted by rarity and quantity can be found here.
Earn MAGIC Tokens Through Gameplay
Most players will own Playing NFT Cards. These will not earn the owner any profit share, but they can earn a significant amount of our currency — Magic Tokens.
When battling, all cards in play gain experience and earn Magic Tokens. The tokens can then be used to upgrade cards, increasing their power level, and their value!
Experience and Magic Tokens are gained by: Starting, completing, and winning battles. Additional Tokens can be gained for: Instant kills/discards and survived discards.
The game can also be played using non-NFT cards. Once a non-NFT has been upgraded to level 4, it becomes a Playing NFT Card, and gives the owner the ability to use the Play-2-Earn system.
More information about card upgrades can be found here.
Trade Your Cards
The cards you spent time upgrading with Magic tokens can be traded with other players. You might want to buy new cards with your earnings, or simply cash out for a nice profit! The choice is yours!
Learn more about Spellfires magical universe on our website, or get your collection started by viewing our full range of cards at Opensea.