Sharing Passion For Spellfire From Around The World

Spellfire - Re-master the Magic
4 min readMay 25, 2022

Today we’re sharing an interview with a true Spellfire fan, someone who started playing the game as a kid and still has a passion for the game today. Meet William! This is his story.

Could you tell us how you first became aware of Spellfire and what it was that made you a fan?

Absolutely, I’m looking forward to sharing my story!

I first learned of Spellfire when I was about 14. A friend of mine invited me over to his house and introduced me to it. I remember enjoying my first experience playing it, but to be honest it took me a little while to buy my own deck and become the fan I am today.

Around the same time that I picked up my first starter deck, a few more friends picked it up and our interest grew from there. Then we started meeting regularly for game nights.

That sounds like a good way to start! Were there a lot of players in your hometown back then?

There were! I was lucky enough to have a consistent group of friends to play with and I was aware of other groups not only meeting to play but also to trade. Part of the fun for me was trying to get hold of the rarest cards by attending meets to trade cards with members of the local Spellfire community and later on, with players from other countries. I enjoyed the friendly competition and once I got my collection started, I didn’t look back!

That’s great to hear! How many cards have you collected so far?

I’ve collected over 500 cards now. I’ve also got a load of unopened booster packs. At this point the unopened packs are pretty rare and worth quite a lot themselves, so that’s why I haven’t opened them yet. It’s pretty tempting though, there might be some rare ones waiting for me inside!

Wow! I think I’d have opened up those boosters if I were you! Did you ever think of taking the game more seriously by entering competitions?

No, I was aware of the bigger international tournaments that were running, but I never entered any. I did play casually in a few local tournaments and even helped to organize a few. But as far as playing goes, I preferred casual games with my friends to the highly competitive environment of tournament play. It was always good fun watching the best players compete though.

That’s understandable! Tournaments certainly aren’t for everyone. So has your love for Spellfire continued throughout the years or did you take a break from the game at some point?

Yeah, life got in the way at certain times. After college when I got my first job, Spellfire had to take the backseat for a while. But things did get back on track, a few of my friends are still really into the game, so we meet on the occasional weekend or evening after work for some drinks and some games. Now that I’ve got a family of my own, we’ll play together too. When my kids get a little bit older I can see things getting pretty competitive!

Very nice! Are you aware of any larger Spellfire communities that are still active in your country?

Local communities — I don’t think so. I know there are some online groups where people are still chatting and trading their cards. But the interest is certainly not as big as it once was.

Now — an important question! What do you think of our new take on the game? Would you give Spellfire Re-Master the Magic a try?

I’m really excited to see you bringing the game back! It played such an important role in my life for many years. It’s wonderful to see so many new champions, spells, and events being created with such high-quality artwork. I will definitely be giving it a try!

When I first heard of the project, I was a little hesitant to see a new development teams take on Spellfire. But as I watch your project grow and after having the opportunity to speak with you today, I can’t wait to see how it turns out.

That’s wonderful to hear, there is a lot of passion being put into it. I have one more question for you. As a big collector, can you tell our readers if you have any favourite cards from Spellfire Re-Master The Magic?

Actually yes! I already own few of my favorites — ‘Yeti’ and ‘Flaming Sword’. To be honest, I don’t know too much about the world of crypto and NFTs, but this seemed like a great way to dip my toe in. At the end of the day, I love Spellfire and wanted to support its new form in any way I could.

I’ve already been thinking about how they’ll feature in my first deck and I’m looking forward to learning more about how you intend to expand on the original gameplay!

Awesome! Glad to hear you’ve already added to you collection! We’ll look forward to meeting you on the battlefield when the game launches!

We love hearing stories from Spellfire fans! If you’re a long-time fan and want to share your story — get in touch!

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Spellfire - Re-master the Magic The CCG of the past, present and the future. The magical World of Spellfire is waiting for you.